Algorithms used for “time series trend”

Prajwal Kb
1 min readJun 30, 2020
  1. Linear Regression:
    pros:- Ability to handle different time series components and features.
    cons:- Sensitive to outliers and strong assumptions.
  2. Exponential Smoothing:
    pros:- Ability to handle variable level,trend and seasonality components.Automated optimization.
    cons:- Narrow confidence intervals and sensitive to outliers.
  3. ARIMA(Auto-regressive integrated moving average):
    pros:- High interpretability,realistic confidence intervals and unbaised forecasts.
    cons:- requires more data,strong restrictions and assumptions and hard to automate.
  4. Dynamic Linear Model:
    pros:- More transparent than other models,deals well with uncertainty, control the variance of the components and high interpretability
    cons:- Higher holdout error,higher training and evaluation time.
  5. Neural Network Model:
    pros:- Less restrictions and assumptions. Ability to handle complex non-Linear patterns,high predictive power and can be easily automated.
    cons:- low interpretability,difficult to derive confidence intervals for the forecasts and requires more data.

